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Can we trust the season we are in?

When we started Yoga in January, I set the intention "to create a soft place for people to land and launch from. Steady, grounded, connected and at ease." I really felt that...for January. Come Feb though, my golly. What a rocky ride. As a gift to myself, I deactivated social media at the end of 2022. I came back online sometime in February and witnessed a steady decline in my mental health and a rapid increase in my anxiety. Have you ever undertaken such an experiment? How was it for you? I have felt a little like an orange, sliced open and turned inside out so all my soft parts are exposed for everyone to see. I have felt the intensity of pain I had previously bypassed from long gone by traumas. I have felt ungrounded and scattered into a gazillion different directions and I have found myself experiencing a new sense of fragility and vulnerability. There's a phrase kicking around, it's ok to not be ok, but is it really? We are not so good at allowing people to be in their not ok-ness. Their pain, and the depth of it. We are quick to want to fix, to make the sour sweet again. I see this in myself - wanting to make other feels better but what I have unearthed is this cheeky decoy where I check in on EVERY ONE ELSE as a way of actually avoiding my own discomfort. I feel like it's caught up with me and I am being invited in even deeeeeeeper to my own depths, darkness and despair than ever. It is because of this season that I am in, that I have started to prioritise asking that question internally, first. And being truly honest about the answer. Despite having resources and years of training and lovely folk in my life, I have very much felt, not ok. Quite a few friends have also echoed a similar sentiment and that it seems to be a particularly testing season we are in. I have oscillated from being not ok feeling an undercurrent of actually, from a wider perspective, things are ok. This season is simply a blip in time. So keep riding those waves and resting and resourcing yourself because this is the season of life you are in. What season do you feel like you are in? A creative season, where there is plenty of sustenance? A destructive season where everything you know feels as though it is falling apart? Or perhaps you are feeling a re-birth, where you are revitalised and bursting with possibilities? If you don't feel like you can trust the season you are in, my website has a section on my current offerings. Reach out if you feel I can support you. It's endlessly fascinating how different I feel when I am out of my own way, on purpose and supporting others. I rarely re-read or re-watch content I create (trusting someone will tell me if I have made a mess of the video above!!) and share because I imagine I would never actually publish anything. I was called though to re-read a blog post I had written on grief. I wasn't sure why, until I got to this bit: "In the not too distant future, I will be creating a space for conversations with topics I am no longer afraid of – namely grief, loss & death. My vision is to create a place to give our feelings air time and our weary hearts a cosy place to land. This will involve community and courage and it feels ripe!" Almost 12 months on, I have just finalised dates for community education workshops with The City of Swan and CarersWA on...befriending grief!! It's happening! It reminded me, time takes it's own sweet time. Seeds blossom if and when they are supposed to. And if I truly value living life in an unrushed fashion, I simply MUST trust the season that I am in. I share this because you too may have become disenchanted by the illusion of being stuck or stagnant. You too may underestimate how long things take to come to fruition. And perhaps if I am remembering to trust the season that I am in, so can you. Dream on dreamers. We can trust the season we are in. We can trust the season we are in. We can trust the season we are in.

With love & devotion to doing things differently, whatever season we are in.

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