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It's a true pleasure and privilege to share inner resources that I have found helpful in my forever evolving and continuously unfolding journey with life, death, grief and loss.  

I truly believe that everything is more sustainable when we work together and there are some fabulous folk paving the way for doing life and death differently. I have found the work of so many inspiring and immensely comforting. Everyone knows something we don't and I trust that within these external resources, you find some gems too. 





















Love is not Enough - Advance Care Planning: A 5 minute video I wish everyone would watch, especially those people who deflect from imperative conversations by saying things like - you love me, you;ll know what to do. So so powerful.

What happens as we die? -  Kathryn Mannix: Most of us have never seen anyone die.
Few have any idea what to expect as death approaches, and most have unrealistic fears about it. Kathryn wants to change that.death approaches, and most have unrealistic fears about it. Kathryn wants to change that.

Grief guidance - possible ways to support grieving hearts:  I have a lot to say about grief as we have become close friends. This video is a snippet of my experience, which I am sharing in the hope it supports you to support others & also yourself. I don’t offer a script, just a few suggestions of perhaps what not to say and what I have found more supportive.

Life death & dying - according to me in 2023:  Enjoy this rollicking and positive conversation on how we can meet death and dying differently, and by doing so, live more fully, with more purpose. 


The Wild Edge of Sorrow - Rituals for Renewal and the Scared Work of Grief - Francis Weller

The Top Five Regrets of the Dying - A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing - Bronnie Ware

Awakening from Grief - Finding the way back to Joy - John E Welshons

Letting Go - How to plan for a Good Death - Dr Charlie Corke

Belonging - Remembering Ourselves Home - Toko Pa Turner



The Groundswell Project Australia - jam packed with incredibly practical checklists and tools for planning end of life. 

My Values - a set of specially constructed statements designed to help you identify, consider and communicate your wishes about the medical treatment you would want in the later stages of life.

The Grief Centre of Western Australia - In person and online grief support, including specliased counselling and community events.

What's Your Grief - seeks to help people explore ideas, experiences, and concepts related to grief, coping, and life after loss. 

Pet Death Rituals - from the brilliant Sarah Kerr of the Centre for Sacred Death Care.

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