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It is never ever too early to nurture your relationship with death, and therefore life. I have felt my connection to this wild human experience expand exponentially since turning towards my own mortality and tending to my grief. I am more alive than ever because of contemplating the simple fact - this all ends. So how do I want to live?

Grief, You & Yoga Session

Death Connection Session

A combination of restorative yoga and grief guidance. 


There is a vastness to grief. Perhaps you have a life limiting illness or are preparing to say goodbye to a beloved friend. Perhaps you never had a chance to say goodbye. We can grieve many things; from a person to a pet to a place and beyond. Grief can be messy and confusing. This is a place for you to be heard, held and supported in your grief journey, regardless of what you are grieving. 


Grief reminds us what we love, we will lose. It is a very natural and necessary part of life. 

This can still feel overwhelming & isolating but when we undertake an apprenticeship with our sorrow, we learn to tend & befriend our grief so that when the waves come - because they will - we have created an internal sense of buoyancy. These sessions are arranged around your needs, woven through a two month period so you receive an ongoing sense of support and connection whilst you traverse your grief.


This package equips you with tools to honour your grief & integrate your unique experience through deep listening, restorative yoga & reflective practices, regardless of what you are grieving. This is a space to release the burden of guilt (if it’s there), to have your pain witnessed (not fixed!) and to express through breath, sound and movement without judgment.  Together we can explore the rites of remembrance. 


4 sessions, in person or online over a two month period.  Exchange $440.

Allow up to 90 minutes for initial session, subsequent sessions vary between 60-75 minutes.

Casual sessions $125

This is a gentle, profound and practical exploration of what death means to you. We begin by grounding and then airing out any fears you may have. From here, we move into a meditative practice and then delve into how you wish your death could (not should or will) unfold. This is a thoughtful, body based experience to truly feel into your connection with death and the process of dying to enhance the way you live your life! 


You will leave with some very practical resources for end of life planning, based on your  personal values and preferences. Most importantly, this session has space for integration. A death connection session is for the alive and well, those curious about end of life care taking and planning as well as those currently facing their end of life. 


2 hours, in person or online.

Exchange $200. 

Advanced Health Directive Consultation

An AHD or an Advance Health Directive is a legal document which captures your bottom line for your health care choices. I find the process of getting really honest with your values and preferences at end of life allows this wonderful opportunity to have a really good look at how you are living currently. When supported, we can adjust accordingly so we really are living well.  It’s like a little big life audit and you are never too young to have one in place. 


2 hours, in person or online.

Exchange $200. Some travel fees may apply. 

Reiki for Humans & Horses

Reiki is subtle yet in my experince,  rather profound. I have been receiving reiki since I was about 17 from the same wonderful lady, who I then went on to study with. I also studied with another incredible woman Julie Abrahams for equine reiki. 


To share a little more, it's a healing technique that was initially hands off. The lineage I come from originated in Japan but at some stage when coming to the West, it became a hands on healing modality. I flow between both, if there is permission for hands on, particularly with humans as touch is so personal. Horses are pretty good at bumping you out of the field and letting you know if they prefer hands on or off. Reiki can also be done at a distance. 


An easy way to imagine it (for my simple mind anyway!) is that I become a conduit for universal energy which is then changed into the recipient. Everyone’s experience is different but the intention is to support the body, support itself and bring in harmony and balance where needed.


75 minutes,  exchange is $90


Horses sessions, on their property, in a round yard or similar where possible so the horse has choice and freedom to regulate and express where needed. 


Exchange $90 + travel depending on location.

Horse human connection sessions (my favorite!) are as unique as you and your horse and can involve some breathing & movement practices & journaling for you (I offer some reflective questions)  and reiki for both participants, those with two legs and four. 


Exchange $150 + travel depending on location.  Sessions with horses go as long as the horse is saying yes! 

Meditations from Me To You

Personalised meditations, based on your values & desired state of being.  I send you a few questions to ponder and we create and experience from me to you. 

All infused with the intention of making the experience of meditation grounded, simple & nurturing. 


Meditations can also be made as a gift or for corporate settings. 


I'll send you an email with the questions, once I receive your response I will let you know when your meditation will be ready! It will come via a link so you can save to your phone or device and listen to it whenever, where ever, forever.


$40 per recording. 

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